The Patroness of the School

The school is named after our Lady, Mother of Divine Providence, to whom the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul have a filial devotion.
The Origin of the Congregation: Angelic Sisters of Saint Paul

It was the year 1535 when the Congregation was founded in Milan, Italy by St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. The sisters worked together with the Barnabite Fathers, likewise founded by St. Anthony, in bringing about a renewal of faith in a society that had become too worldly.
In 1552, by Papal decree the Congregation was asked to live a cloistered life, leading to the discontinuance of their active apostolate. It was not until 1926, the 5th of July and the feast day of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, that another Papal decree restored the congregation's authority to an active life.
The spirituality of the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul is patterned after St. Paul--living and announcing the mystery of Christ crucified and living in the Eucharist, testifying humbly and fervently the faith in Him and the love for the neighbors through various apostolic activities.
Further, the apostolate of the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul is mainly characterized by the administration of schools belonging either to the Congregation or the parish, and by teaching and facilitating co-curricular activities. The Angelics are also involved in teaching catechesis; assisting in parish activities and programs; visiting the poor and the sick; doing mission work with particular attention to women and children, especially the elderly and the poor.
MDPS Seal/Logo

The white shield symbolizes peace and sincerity. It is divided to present two important arms that bear the name of our school.
Side by side within the shield are the family crest of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria and the figure of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Divine Providence. St. Anthony is the founder of the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul. The lily surmounted by the Holy Eucharist represents the ASP Charism of renewing Christian fervor. The Blessed Mother lovingly looks at the Child Jesus nestled in her arms. The child is symbolic of each MDPSian entrusted to her care.
A scroll bearing the year 1987 spread across the base of the shield is the year our school was founded. Above the shield are laurel leaves symbolizing victory in the pursuit of knowledge.
0 The round plate bearing the name of our school and of the city where it stands represents the infinite wisdom of God the Father. The plate is crowned with rays and is further symbolic of His eternal love and our mission to share this divine gift with all of His creation.
MDPS Motto
Evangelium Nuntiare ~ Announce the Good News