School Philosophy
• In a loving and personal GOD, source of all good things, Creator of man in His image and likeness, with intellect and free will from which flow human dignity.
• That a TRUE CATHOLIC EDUCATION evangelizes, educates and promotes:
- a sincere life of service
- passion for truth, justice and peace
- genuine Filipino nationalism that leads to a healthy social transformation brought about by the integral formation of the young.
• That the FAMILY is the first school of basic virtues, therefore our commitment is to make the school a real family that lives the highest human and Christian values as exemplified by Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
• That a CATHOLIC SCHOOL supports the family to foster a unified relationship among its members and to empower them to live the Catholic faith.
• That OUR SCHOOL exists to assist our students to acquire and utilize fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities, habits and attitudes for further learning and life in the real world.
Our Vision-Mission-Goals
The MOTHER OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE SCHOOL is a Catholic School run by the Congregation of the Angelic Sisters of St. Paul, that provides basic education to boys and girls from middle-income families in Marikina and adjacent communities.
We envision graduates who are PERSONS of CHARACTER,
COMMITMENT who are instruments in building a
Inspired by the guiding light of MARY, Mother of Divine Providence, and the unique charism of ST. ANTHONY MARY ZACCARIA, we, as a school community, dedicate ourselves to:
• Providing quality education that leads to excellence;
• Nurturing a Christian environment conducive to the integral development of the whole person;
• Promoting a life of service to God and society with preference to the local community and church;
• Fostering an open and collaborative relationship between home and school, and
• Participating actively in programs that strengthen the Filipino family.
As a Catholic School, we dedicate ourselves to the holistic and integral education of the young towards becoming humane and well-rounded Christians. As such, MDPS:
• Teaches Christian doctrine and integrates this in the curriculum to promote personal integration of faith and life.
• Strives to form the young to become upright individuals capable of making the right choices in conformity with Christ’s teachings.
• Develops the spirit of service to God, fellowmen and country at all times.
• Promotes voluntary involvement in parish activities particularly the promotion of basic Christian communities and vocation.
• Inculcates respect for other religious beliefs and practices and cultivates a spirit of goodwill among people of diverse religions.
As a Filipino School, we share in the promotion of the Filipino sense of nationalism and pursuit of the spirit of humanism. As such, MDPS:
• Instills nationalism, promotes pride in one’s cultural heritage and adheres to truth, justice and peace.
• Deepens the students’ awareness of economic, political and socio-cultural issues and concerns and a strong desire to help in the development of the nation.
• Develops an attitude of respect and obedience to the laws of the land and support for government programs that improve the quality of life of every Filipino, especially, the impoverished and the disadvantaged.
As an Angelic-Marian School, we strive to make the school a real family that upholds and practices the highest human and Christian values as exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. As such, MDPS:
• Intensifies the spiritual life of the young enabling them to become effective witnesses and agents of evangelization in the family and community.
• Inculcates devotion to the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, as the highest form of worship and the center of Christian family life.
• Stimulates Christian fervor and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as exemplified by the life of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria.
As a Basic Education School, we are committed to the development of the total person who is Christian in spirit and centered on love of and service to God, neighbor, society, and country. As such, MDPS:
• Provides an integrated and balanced curriculum that caters to the development of the person producing learners who are critical and creative thinkers.
• Creates opportunities for the students to discover and develop their individual talents, capabilities and interests.
• Cultivates an appreciation for what is true, good and beautiful.
• Provides a learning environment and experiences that develop skills on the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels.
• Instills a sense of stewardship of God’s Creation and the willingness to collaborate with other sectors in the conservation of natural resources.
• Enhances the capacity for productive work and appropriate work ethics.
• Inculcates the value of physical fitness and personal hygiene which is vital to personal growth and development.
The Ideal Graduate

• Possesses competencies needed in life and keeps developing these for personal effectiveness and social usage.
• Broadens intellectual and technical skills necessary for higher education.
• Is inquisitive and states his/her ideas clearly and persuasively.
• Exhibits a sense of direction in life and continually enhances his/her talents and potentials.
• Shows maturity in acquiring and applying relevant information to any given situation.
• Develops consistently an integrative and probing mind and indulges in divergent thinking.
• Shows resilience in handling changes and challenges in life.
• Understands and appreciates art in various forms and media.
• Makes decisive and responsible choices guided by the Gospel values.
• Respects the dignity of human beings and the beauty of God’s Creation.
• Upholds the integrity of the human family as the basic unit of society and bastion of the domestic church.
• Shows good breeding and is a model of order and discipline.
• Is gracious, simple and frugal in his/her lifestyle.
• Promotes and conserves the Filipino cultural heritage.
• Is persevering in accomplishing tasks with a high degree of excellence.
• Has developed good work ethics and takes pride in his/her work.
• Recognizes a loving God in others by being respectful and sensitive to their needs.
• Manifests a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as his/her personal model of caring and concern for others.
• Is willing and able to sacrifice personal interests for the common good.
• Practices a way of life in solidarity with the poor.
• Participates in civic and community outreach projects to alleviate the plight of the disadvantaged and deprived.
• Volunteers time and resources to help unfortunate victims of calamities and disasters.
• Supports laws and public effort that contribute to self-sufficiency and improvement of livelihood of our people.
• Serves God through loving service and availability to others.
• Respects and obeys the laws and duly-constituted authority.
• Considers the needs and interests of the country in the choice of vocation or profession.
• Stands up for justice and the protection of human rights and works for a democratic and humane society.
• Promotes the preservation and refinement of Filipino cultural heritage.
• Participates wisely in the selection of people in public office.
• Takes an active part in the undertakings of the local church and parish.
• Maintains physical fitness and wellness and observes hygienic practices.
MDPS Core Values

Anchored on its Vision-Mission, MDPS implements the Core Values of
Featured as a circle, the framework summarizes what the school
believes to be the essential elements in the formation of the young
who are the instruments in building a Christ-Centered Community
The circle is divided into four quadrants and at the center is Jesus
Christ Himself. Each quadrant contains one of the four Core Values of
Each Core Value is further expressed into related values occupying
each of the rays coming from the center. The rim is the school
community, which is made up of the students, parents, faculty, staff,
and administrators.
Based on this framework, certain related values of the four core
values are emphasized in a period of two months to give sufficient
time for the whole community to know, internalize and consciously live
out the values. The following strategies are employed: integrating
these values in the lessons in all subject areas, posting of these
values in the bulletin boards and reiterating these values for the
month during morning assemblies and during Mass.